
A Product Listing Ads company in Pune that provides you access to quickly growing traffic at an affordable cost per click.
Enhance your brand visibility through the prominent display of product listing ads on a single platform or search with our Google Product ads services in Pune.

The products of your brand are presented to millions of online shoppers through product listing ads. Shoppers can know about your products even before visiting your website which increases the chances of clicking on an ad. This increases the chances of conversion too. So, avail our Google Product ads services in Pune today to enhance your ROI.



Setting up the campaign

At our Product Listing Ads company in Pune, we will create shopping ads by connecting your Google Merchant center with AdWord. In case the Google MErchant Centre account is not there, we can create that too. A perfect budget will also be recommended based on your business goals.

Optimizing the product listing ads

Our team is proficient in doing this for enhancing the sale of a product or reducing the cost per sale with the help of Google Product ads services in Pune. This is done after a thorough analysis of the industry data to make regular adjustments to ensure that the products are shown at the right time when people are shopping online.

Regular reporting

Regular reports will be provided every week on the brand performance. This will help you know about the quick and low selling items and the return obtained on ad expenses. All this is to make sure that you are on the right track to meeting your business goals. We conduct meetings at our Product Listing Ads company in Pune to understand your plans ahead and tweak them, if needed, for better outputs.

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